Automotive Engineering I

Exam 1-a

1st Semester 1427/28

Student Name:                

Student Class No.    /


1- Identify the following abbreviations (عرف معنى الاختصارات التالية):










2-What are the units of the following quantities ؟(ما وحدات الكميات التالية)

Engine thermal efficiency (hth)


Clutch torque capacity (Tc)


Engine angular speed (w)



3- The following data of a 4-stroke engine is given below:
The indicated mean effective pressure (imep), the cylinder bore (dcy), and the stroke (L), the number of cylinders (n).


-Write down the following quantities using the above symbols

 (أكتب الكميات التالية باستخدام الرموز الموجودة بعالية):

* The engine swept volume (Ve)




* The force exerted on the piston (F)




* The work done (W) by the force during the power stroke


4- Write down the equations of the following quantities, and identify each parameter

 (أكتب معادلة الكميات التالية, مع تعريف عناصر المعادلة)

The engine indicated power (Pi)



The engine mechanical efficiency (hm)





5- What are the differences between the following  (ما الفروق بين التالي) ?

- Engine Indicated (Pi) & Brake (Pb) powers




- Rich & Poor fuel-air mixtures




6- How to increase the following  (كيف نزيد من قيمة التالي) ?

- Engine compression ratio (r)



- Engine mechanical efficiency (hm)



7- What do these curves represent?

(ما الذي تمثله تلك المنحنيات)

And what are their units (وما وحداتها) ?


A:                               [        ]


B:                               [        ]


C:                               [        ]