Exam 1-B

Automotive Engineering I

2nd  Semester 1428/29

Student Name:                

Student No.    


1 a) -What are the units of the following quantities ؟(ما وحدات الكميات التالية)

Engine rotational speed (N)


Engine indicated power (Pi)


Engine swept volume (Ve)


Clutch coefficient of friction (m)


Engine mechanical efficiency (hm)



1 b) - Rewrite the following units in other forms:

- Newton =

- Pascal =



2 a) - The following data of a 4-stroke engine is known as:
The indicated mean effective pressure (imep), cylinder bore (dcy), stroke (L), number of cylinders (n), and engine rpm (N).


-Write down the following quantities using the above symbols

 (أكتب الكميات التالية باستخدام الرموز الموجودة بعالية):

* The cylinder swept volume (Vc)


* The engine torque (Te)




2 b) - What are the relations between the following (ما العلاقة بين التالي) ?
- Fuel consumption (FC) & Specific fuel consumption (SFC)



- Engine Power & Engine Torque



- Force & Pressure






2 c) - What do those curves represent? (ما الذي تمثله تلك المنحنيات)

And what are their units (وما وحداتها) ?



A:                               [        ]



B:                               [        ]








3 a ) - What are the Functions of car friction clutch, and the types used in cars.



























3 b) - A single-plate clutch with a friction plate shown
has the following:  r = 0.08  m         ,
m = 0.4

with a diaphragm spring. The torque of the clutch is

found to be 240 Nm. The clutch has a design

factor of 1.6. Find:

a- the normal force of the springs (Fn),

b- the engine maximum torque that can fit with

    the clutch,

c- the outer radius of the friction plate (ro) if the inner

    radius (ri) is 0.06 m.

d- the clutch torque capacity if we use double-plate clutch,

    with the same characteristics.