Axle shaft design
Axle Function:
The axle function is to transmit the engine torque to the wheel.
Loads on the axle:
1- Wheel torque (from engine):
Maximum limit for the wheel torque (due to engine torque) is:
(Tw max)engine = limit of wheel torque produce by the engine
Te max = maximum engine torque (Nm)
ig = gearbox ratio (maximum torque at 1st gear ratio)
if = final drive ratio
kd = dynamic factor
kl = the coefficient of differential locking (kl = 0 for 4x2 cars with no differential locking)
Maximum limit for the wheel torque (due to road adhesion) is:
(Tw max)road = limit of road torque that can support wheel TE
f = coefficient of road adhesion
rw = dynamic radius of the tire
Rw = vertical wheel reaction = ½ (Wr + wt)
Wr = weight on the rear axle
wt = transferred weight
2- Wheel reaction Rw:
Wr = static weight on the rear = rear weight ratio x W
= (r.w.r x W) = (wr/W) W
= 45% W (for front engine RWD)
= 40% W (for front engine FWD)
Wta = transferred weight due to (acceleration- TE)
= ½ m x a x (h/L) = ½ W/g x a x (h/L)
= ½ (TEmax – RR) (h/L)
Limit of wt due to acceleration
wtmax = ½ f W (r.w.r)
Wtg = transferred weight due to (climbing a gradient)
= ½ w sin q (h/L) = ½ (TE – RR) = ½ (Te max ig if / rw - RR)
The gradient limit:
W sin q = (W cos q b/L) f
tan q = (b/L) f ……… (slip)
W sin q h = W cos q b
Tan q = b/h ………(turn over)
wtc = transferred weight due to (cornering)
= W/g x (r.w.r) x w2 R x (h/t)
The corner limit:
(roll over)
Rr = ½ (r.w.r) W
wtc = W (r.w.r) f (h/t)
- The rear axle has no differential lock
- The car is a rigid body.
- Neglect car motion resistance
- The max transferred weight is:
(Normal force x coefficient of adhesion) x (dimension ratio)
- Limit of TE = Normal force x coefficient of adhesion
- Limit of Fb = Normal force x coefficient of adhesion
- Limit of Fc = Normal force x coefficient of adhesion
· Where normal force = static weight ± wt
· Wr = W (r.w.r)
Force in Z direction:
Case i (car moving with max acceleration):
* Limit of maximum acceleration: (ma = W (r.w.r) f)
(Rr)i = W (r.w.r) + wt = Wr+ Wr f (h/L)
= Wr (1 + f (h/L))
Case ii (car moving up a gradient):
(Rr)ii = Wr cos q + wt = Wr cos q + W sin q (h/L)
* Limit of maximum gradient (RWD):
TE = w sin q …… Engine torque
sin q = TE/ W …… q = sin-1 (TE/W) or
Rr f = [W cos q (r.w.r) + W sin q (h/L)] f = W sin q ……. Wheel slip
W cos q (r.w.r) f = W sin q - W sin q (h/L) f = W sin q (1- (h/L) f)
tan q = (r.w.r) f / (1- (h/L) f)
q = tan-1 [(r.w.r) f / (1- (h/L) f)]
Overcome road irregularities (rear wheel dynamic reaction Rrd):
Rrd = Rr Kdr
kdr = the dynamic factor of road:
= 1.75 for cars, = 2.50 for trucks.
Case iii (Cornering):
(Rr)outer wheel = (Wr + wt) = Wr + m v2/R (h/t)
skid limit
(Rr)outer wheel = (Wr + wt) = ½ Wr
+ W (r.w.r) µ (h/t)
* roll over limit
(Rr)outer wheel = [(W (t/2) + (W/g v2/R) h) / t] x (r.w.r)
Force in X direction:
Case i (max acceleration):
TE = Te max ig if kd
Te max = maximum engine torque
ig = gear box ratio at 1st gear
if = final drive ratio
kd = dynamic factor (= 1.2-1.6)
* Limit of maximum TE: (TE = Rr f)
(TEmax)i = (Wr + wt) f = (Wr + Wr (h/L) f) f = Wr (1 + (h/L) f) f
Case ii (max gradient):
(TEmax)ii = W sin q [q = sin-1 (TE/W)] …….. Engine torque
or q = tan-1 [(r.w.r) f / (1- (h/L) f)] ……….wheel slip
TE h = W cos q b …… (car turn over)
cos q = (TE/W) h/b …… q = cos-1 (TE/W) h/b
Force in Y direction:
Case i (Cornering):
Fc = ½ mv2/R = ½ W (v2/R) (r.w.r)
* skid limit:
(Fc)out wheel = ½ W (r.w.r) µ
* rollover limit:
m (v2/R) h = W/g (v2/R) h = W t/2
(Fc)out wheel = W (r.w.r)/g (v2/R) = W (t/2h)