Websites مواقع السيارات
تحديث في 20/3/2016
روابط المواقع تم وضعها في قائمة لتلائم احتياجات الزائرين. وقد
تم اختيار كل موقع بعناية خاصة. الغرض من عمل هذه القائمة هو إعطاء بيان بمصادر
قيمة للمعلومات في مجال السيارات.
في حالة استخدامك لهذه الروابط للمواقع المشار إليها, فنحن نود أن نوضح إننا
لا نتحمل أي مسئولية ولا نعطي أي تأكيدات, أو ضمانات, أو تمثيل, ضمنياً أو في
شكل أخر بما يخص تلك المواقع بالنسبة للمحتويات أو الدقة.
Our web site links are listed as a convenience for our visitors. We carefully
review every site. Our directory goal is to present valuable resources.
If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees,
warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy
of these third-party sites.
Car Security
أمان السيارة
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Car Alarm
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Safe Driving Tips, Ideas and Suggestions for the Every Day
Driver |
The easiest way of tracking and tracing your fleet
With the GPS-Buddy CONNECT you'll enjoy the advantages
and benefits offered by tracking and tracing. As a stand-alone product, the
GPS-Buddy CONNECT transmits real-time information, so you know where
your vehicle is at any given moment. Your vehicle's location, speed and
status is transmitted to the GPS-Buddy website every 60 seconds - providing the
most accurate data ever!
HomeLink® by Johnson Controls has been making those
connections from your vehicle to your home since 1995. HomeLink® is the original
vehicle-based control system that allows you to communicate wirelessly from your
vehicle to operate garage door openers, gate operators, home lighting, and more.
It’s all about making your life more convenient and safe. |
OnStar is the world's most comprehensive in-vehicle safety, security and
communication service. We can keep you safely connected in ways you never
thought possible. | |