Automotive Research - أبحاث السيارات
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Automotive Research - أبحاث السيارات

أبحاث السيارات
Automotive Researches






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A concept for developing the vocational and technical education in the colleges of technology to improve the technical performance standard of the college graduates

التقرير المبدئ للمقالة باللغة العربية

- K.M. Mourad

- K. Alwassia

The Second Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition- STCEX 2002 Riyadh, 2002 This paper reflects the opinion of the authors to establish a plan to make a contribution in the development of the technical education in the Department of Mechanical Technology, Automotive Section. This study can be applied to the other departments of the college.
2 Feasibility Study of Preventive Maintenance Implementation Based on Cost Analysis - K.M. Mourad
-T.A. Nosseir
A.A. Salem
The First Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition- STCEX 2000 Riyadh, 2000 The objective of this investigation is to obtain the relationship between the level of the executed preventive maintenance (EPM) for trucks and their cost of  repairs. From this relation the efficiency of the executed preventive maintenance can be judged.
3 Twin Accumulator Suspension System -Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab SAE No. 970384 Detroit, 1997 Abstract

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