Abstract: New Concept to Improve Technical Eduction
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Abstract: New Concept to Improve Technical Eduction

A concept for developing the vocational and technical education

 in the colleges of technology to improve the technical performance standard

 of the college graduates

K.M. Mourad

Mechanical Technology Department,

College of Technology, Makkah, KSA



K. Alwassia

Product Support Manager (Mazda/ Mercury),

Haji Husein Alireza & Co. Ltd.




The teaching process in the colleges of technology is similar to the production process in the factories that manufacture and produce different products and market them after that. A poor product will not succeed in competing in the market place, which leads to its recession, and being useless. The same concept applies to the college graduates. If the student graduates with low qualifications or with qualifications that does not fill the needs of the job market; this will lead to improper employment or unemployment of the graduate.


In this paper the authors suggest a plan to improve the technical performance standard of the college graduates, and demonstrate through a case study the steps taken to implement that plan. The procedure of designing a curriculum to improve the technical education is discussed fully in the paper. The paper also includes the tables designed to   tabulate data and facilitate the construction of the curriculum.


Key words: Educational Plan Creation, Curriculum Design,   Syllabus Development, Teaching Staff Training, Workshop Equipment Assessment,   Teaching Methods Implementation.


This paper reflects the opinion of the authors to establish a plan to make a contribution in the development of the technical education in the Department of Mechanical Technology, Automotive Section. This study can be applied to the other departments of the college.


The complete paper  


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